What is the purpose of this curriculum? This curriculum is intended to improve laparoscopic and robotic suturing skills through independent practice. It is proficiency based, with the goal of achieving and maintaining proficiency.
Why do I need to upload data? Uploading data provides you with the ability to benchmark your performance, and it allows confirmation of achieving proficiency.
Do I need someone to watch me complete the task? If you upload data for pre-test and final (completion of training) we ask that another individual watches your performance and attests your score.
How long does it take to do the tasks? For someone who has achieved advanced proficiency, it takes less than an hour to set up and complete all 6 ATLAS tasks.
How long does it take to achieve proficiency? Depending on the level of skill of the trainee, and the level of proficiency achieved (see instruction manual), it can take from 1 to 16 hours of practice to achieve proficiency on this curriculum for most trainees.
Who can upload data? The trainee that completed the assessment can upload the data or an administrator that has been pre-registered with the ATLAS program.
What data do I upload? For every upload we require time and error data, video data is required for final assessment on the curriculum, but can be uploaded with any performance. We also require an email of the person observing the pre-test and completion of training performance.
Do I need to upload video data? Video data is required for final summative assessment to confirm passing the ATLAS curriculum. Please refer to the benchmarks data on the set up and instruction page of the website.
How do I know if I passed? There are 3 achievable levels in the curriculum. At the completion of each data entry, the website will provide you with a score of how you compare to established benchmarks. You can also refer to the set up and instruction page of the website to compare your performance.
How do I capture video data? There are several options of capturing video from the ATLAS box. You can use an analog to digital converter (recommended) or you can use a phone holder for your smart phone. See instructions for further details.